Sunday, June 3, 2012

Grand Fun

Mmmm, good food, blues, and a handsome man make for a fantastic weekend. Jim, as I shall call him, was as always, a perfect gentleman and a wonderful conversationalist. We enjoyed ourselves as the music played. I'm not a big fan of Blues myself, but it is enjoyable if someone who truly understands the soul of the music plays. Most of the bands so. But, one thing i did not like. A Mycian demon decided this was the right time to make himself known. I had to excuse myself for about half an hour, claiming Kat locked herself out of her house. Then i led the prick on a merry chase through town.

As the town is surprisingly big but has a number of abandoned buildings, i chose the old electric building down near the stadium. There's a place of haunting beauty if i ever saw it. Kat has discussed going to it for a full photo session, but has done it yet. Personally, after my little adventure, i think she's right. The building is pretty in the twilight and the inside is covered in cobwebs and looks so abandoned and lonely looking.

But back to my story...(i suck at writing here), The Mycian had followed me into the building and he looked around, i struck. He had no idea what to make of me. He garbled out that he thought he was following a little tasty witch morsel (they all call us witches even though i prefer the term Magus), his confusion was sweet to me. As a half demon, i can transform into my demonic form when I chose to but in this case, it was funny. I've done this hundreds of times before but this was the first time I'd felt like maybe I wasn't a demon. Being told i smell like a witch was an extreme compliment. I allowed the Mycian to die a swift death instead of a painful one. He smiled at me for it too. I felt truly sad that i had to kill him, but Sunael (that is the demon i am bonded with) doesn't want anyone in what He perceives as His Territory. Frankly, i couldn't care. Like Kat, i feel that all of Otherkind (those who aren't actually part of the homo sapiens species) should let Humans know us. In fact, that is why this blog is here. It is my chance to show the world that we exist. Though many will believe I'm just crazy and delusional, we are here. Sunael is bitching in my head about this too. He says i'm crazy for telling everyone, but he knows i'm right on one thing. With all these stories and movies about paranormals and otherkindred, its the perfect time to tell my story! If no one believes me....oh well! Not like i won't be part of a larger chain...hahahahaha

DAMN YOU STEPHANIE MEYERS AND STUPID TWILIGHT........i hate twilight. Its a mockery of everything i and my friends are.

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