Friday, June 1, 2012

ARGH really people?

okay, so over the weekend i decided to go up to Htown and hang with Kat for a few weeks. She's been having fun being sick and i felt it my sisterly duty to go check on her and maybe help her. Well, i understand why she likes and yet dislikes Htown. The place is wonderful when the trash aren't around. I mean, don't get me wrong, i've been in many cities where you had to have a knife on you to let anyone know you mean business. But seriously, the ijits here are down right retarded! They don't even the word idiot because that means they have something of a brain. Frankly, I'd have been surprised if any of them had a full brain between the lot. Gods above. But the worst part is, these ijits don't even know how to take care of their kids properly. But enough about that.

How was everyone else's holiday? I enjoyed myself. I had delicious Coke-a-Cola cake with caramel fudge icing and pretzel balls. It was soooo yummy! The other fun part about my few weeks trip is this....another friend of ours up there. He is...well needless to say, he makes this demon girl's heart beat faster. Like me, he's not exactly normal. He's blunt but also sweet when he wants to be. He's been a big help to Kat and I throughout the years. Whenever I get the chance to visit, we get together. He's a good friend, and fun, but he's not the man for me. I'm a girl with a dream!*winks then laughs* But no, he's a really good friend who is enjoyable and we can all go out and have fun with. This weekend is The Western Maryland Blues Festival. And as always, this girl has a date. One of the local higher up businessmen whom knew me a few years ago happens to live here. So, he asked me if I was busy this weekend and since i'm not, i figured what the heck, might as well. Though poor Kat hates the blues fest. She had to work it a number of years ago for a job and they threw her out cause her job didn't have permission to be there. So, she'll stay home while I go flittin' about. :)

One other piece of news, Kat's youngest brothers' graduated from high school finally! Thank goddess, they're finally done. Those two had so many issues with school, its a wonder they made it.

Also, go back and read Previous Entry as Kat says its a good one kiddos!

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